
Xero has advised that the issue with refresh tokens has been resolved.

If you still see a banner at the top of the screen in FYI asking to reconnect, please refer to this guide.

Then select the Sync button against:

  • Clients
  • Jobs
  • Tax Returns
  • Staff

FYI will manually sync any timesheets that have not synchronised into XPM.

If you have any questions please let us know

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To confirm, Xero has acknowledged the issue and is working on a fix.

However, we are still getting reports of practices with the issue.


For affected practices:

  • No timesheets will be submitted from FYI to XPM
  • No sync of any client changes from XPM
  • No sync of any job changes from either direction
  • No tax assessments will be imported from Xero Tax


  • FYI admins of affected practices should reset the XPM connection
  • Then select the Sync button against Clients, Jobs, Tax Returns, Staff
  • FYI will manually sync any timesheets that have not synchronised into XPM

There is potential that the refresh token will expire again, and that these steps may need to be repeated.

We will provide further information on this when we receive it.

If you have any questions please let us know.

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Xero has advised that the issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented - https://status.developer.xero.com/

As a workaround, resetting the XPM connection will create new refresh tokens.

We will provide further information on this when we receive it.

If you have any questions please let us know.

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FYI users may see a banner asking to reconnect XPM to keep data up to date.

Xero has advised that some applications may be affected by a problem with the refresh tokens - https://status.developer.xero.com/

Reconnecting XPM may temporarily resolve the issue however when the refresh tokens expire, the banner may return.

We will provide further information on this when we receive it.

If you have any questions please let us know.

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